Page Zero Media - UpSEOs
Agency Profile

Page Zero Media

Toronto, United States


His student loans were paid off, and he’d decided he wouldn’t become a Political Science professor after all. Part of his spare time was spent blogging at, a website co-founded with Cory Kleinschmidt. The premise of Traffick was way ahead of its time: that an all-out arms race was on, led by seemingly scrappy young Internet upstarts to develop an iron (monopolistic) grip on user attention. At the time, most assumed that Microsoft, AOL, or Yahoo had the inside track to win that battle. People didn’t suspect that Google would become anything more than a lovable search engine – not even when they acquired YouTube or rolled out the Chrome browser. Finally, when Android soared to #1 in mobile market share, it started sinking in.

Sponsorship in January 2025



