Mind Methods - UpSEOs
Agency Profile

Mind Methods

Sydney, Australia


billion worth of major utility infrastructure. 

Jemena were seeking to launch a new product offering under a separate sub-brand that required its own complete brand strategy and brand identity. With this decision came the need to develop a unique brand name for the sub-brand.

Seeking external support to help develop this new brand, Jemena eventually selected Mind Methods as their brand agency to lead their Brand Development project.

In the end, we were incredibly pleased with the outcomes of this brand development, but most importantly, the client and all stakeholders were equally impressed and satisfied that it is “their brand” which reflects their mission and represents who they are, what they do and what they stand for.

From the development of their name and tag lines, to the design of their logo, colour schemes and branded assets, it was essential for Mind Methods Agency to stay true to the values, objectives and overall positioning of this business and new brand. The feedback from the team at Jemena was that this was effectively achieved, which is a very important metric for us here.

The Ovida business is now set up with a robust new brand that can be managed and controlled both internally and externally through their formalised brand guidelines.

Sponsorship in March 2025



