MediaNation - UpSEOs
Agency Profile


MediaNation was agency established in 2008 and provides complex internet promotion services for business. Our team includes professionals certified by Google, Yandex, K50, CoMagic, CallTouch, myTarget that is more than a 100 of employees with experience of working for such companies as Yandex, Google, Ashmanov and Partners, RBC Corporation, Icontext, Tekart, etc.

Tasks we help to solve

- Complex Internet marketing, from digital strategy development to the analysis of completed advertisement campaigns;

- Increase of brand awareness (banners, videos, PR, events, influence marketing, mobile and offline advertisement);

- Creation of representations in the network (development of websites and mobile apps, usability)

- Increasing website traffic (contextual advertisement, SEO, social networks (FB, VK, OK, Instagram, Twitter), mobile advertisement, marketplaces, CPA marketing;

- Development of motivation to buy (retargeting, reputation management, influence marketing, content marketing);

- Development of customers’ loyalty (e-mail marketing, SMM, referral programs).

Sponsorship in January 2025



